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Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) System

Gateway to the Amateur Radio service

The FCC created the VEC system to provide initial licensing examination for prospective new hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. The FCC authorized these VECs to oversee the work of their certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) and serve as a liaison between applicants and the FCC. Those interested in becoming a VE should contact at least one of these VEC organizations. Examination locations are found throughout the U.S.











Western Carolina Amateur Radio Society VEC (WCARS-VE, Inc.)
417 Ivy Hill Rd
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone: 828-658-0261
Email: N4SET.wnc@frontier.com
WCARS-VE Team Leaders
Other VEC Organizations
Please send updates or corrections to Webmaster


Last updated July 1, 2024 by N4SET In Memoriam N4NH